About the work

WendyPicThe Founder of Leadership Embodiment
Wendy Palmer (1947–2022) started teaching what she then called Conscious Embodiment in 1980 and changed the name to Leadership Embodiment in 2012.

She started Leadership Embodiment as she realised the principles of Aikido and Mindfulness were applicable in work, family and life generally, and offered a way for people to live life more skilfully and make a bigger contribution.

Wendy wrote several groundbreaking books about Leadership Embodiment and Aikido.

She passed away at the end of 2022, leaving the Leadership Embodiment community with the legacy to continue sharing the work in the world.

Leadership Embodiment’s Aikido Roots
Morihei Ueshiba founded the Japanese martial art of Aikido in the 1930s. His unique contribution waOSenseis the spiritual intention of protection and compassion.

The word Aikido translates as ‘the way of harmonising energy.’ Ueshiba said, “The goal of Aikido is to protect your attacker as well as yourself.” He felt that the person who attacks another is in trouble and needs protection. He went on to say that the attacker is not someone “out there” but lies within you.

Wendy Palmer Shihan held a seventh degree black belt in Aikido, which she had been teaching since 1973. She was the co-founder of Aikido of Tamalpais Dojo in Corte Madera, California.

Leadership Embodiment’s Mindfulness Roots
The basic principles of Mindfulness (meditation) develop our capacity to relate with what arises from a centered state: that is, not trying to change what is, instead tolerating and working with what is.

Wendy began working with mindfulness practice in 1969.Chogyam

During that time she met the Tibetan teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Her experience with him and his teachings continued to be one of the most influential forces in her life and work.